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Companies shift to HR processes transformation, but what about the people?

Companies shift to HR processes transformation, but what about the people?

More and more companies are starting to be interested in transforming their HR operations and integrate a more digitized approach when it comes to these processes. The expected results of these changes? Less repetitive tasks done by the HR specialists, more transparency for the employees when it comes to their career path in the organization, quicker answers to their questions and overall, a better employee experience.

One can say “people used to these HR tasks previously so, why the need to transform”? The reality is that, nowadays, organizations are in a continuous changing process, often stimulated by the competition, but also driven by the fast moving digital trends. Everything is tech today -

shopping, services, learning, communication (even, in some situations, the communication with public authorities). Hence, people are getting used to a fast response rate in any daily situation (either professional or personal).

So it happens in the life of any employee today. Thus, ensuring smooth business operations that can meet the expectations of the employees, can even have an important contribution to the retention level. How? Simply, because people are more and more looking for an employment experience, not only for a simple job and a salary at the end of the month. So, if you learn that a competitor offers a digitized experience that makes the life easier for everyone - managers and non-managers, even from the administrative point of view, you might need to rethink your HR strategy.

Recently, PwC Romania supported an important retailer in moving towards a more digitized approach when it comes to its HR processes: administration (including document generation), recruitment, and onboarding. What is the impact of such an important change? It’s definitely a step forward, but above all, it’s a crucial one in improving the relationship with more than 15,000 employees spread across Romania that had monthly challenges dealing with administrative tasks. Except this, the retailer benefits now of a customized performance management system that sets the ground for strong professional relations.

What about the people? Are they ready for the digital transformation?

However, in order to keep up with the digital transformation, companies need to make sure that all these new technologies are well embraced by the employees. How can they do it? The answer stays in training the employees, which means "upskilling" programmes that contribute to the development of new, digital skills, but also to the change of attitude, adaptability and continuous learning.

Upskilling is more than just teaching people to use a new device or solution that might become obsolete next year. Obviously, not all employees need to learn to code, but many of them need to know, for example, how to work with automation solutions, analyse data, discover and apply solutions and easily adapt to new tasks and roles that involve the use of the latest technologies. Thus, organizations must be creative in rethinking jobs and processes.

And while the upskilling process is a need, it might also be a benefit for any employee. So, eventually, this can turn into a strategic advantage when it comes to retaining people as employees are nowadays looking for learning opportunities at their workplace.

PwC continues to support companies’ progress in their digital transformation process, but also their human resources in order to be able to integrate the latest technologies. Customized solutions, strategic plans and in-depth analysis of our clients are the keys to success when delivering a new transformation project.

Read more about PwC Romania’s technology services here and get in touch with us today.


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