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The Human Touch in managing people

Updated: Nov 16, 2020

The main drive we have in everything we ever do is EMOTIONS

Emotions are the energy boost we get when we make a career out of a hobby; when we pursue someone we like; when we spend nights learning to pass that exam that will allow us to get the job we are dreaming about for such a long time. 

Human emotions, like the brain, are complex and variate - sometimes subtitle, sometimes obvious. But they are there. Always. Pushing us in one direction or another – getting close to something or someone; running away from something or somebody.

People’s management is, in its essence, – in my personal view – emotions management.

I am still surprised, after 17 years working in HR, in IT, how people can ignore their own emotions and how managers can ignore how their team members feel about one thing or another.

If employees feel fear they will leave the company, since we all try to get as far as possible from things that are frightening us - it is in our genes.

Enthusiastic employees will come with ideas, be proactive, come at work smiling, be productive. We all want more of the things we like, no matter if it is a candy or a tasks that we like – the emotional response is the same.

Connected teams will be more stable and more productive. We are social animals to our bones, so, when we find a community where we feel safe, accepted and relaxed, we stay within that group, many times no matter the temptations we have. 

So, the companies and managers have couple of things to do in order to have stable, motivated and productive teams – create a safe, friendly, relaxed working environment that will facilitate deep connections between people. It is that simple and that complicated in the same time.

A manager who facilitates connection (translated in organizations as very good teamwork) needs to be deeply empathic, put him/herself in colleagues’ shoes, understand their internal drive, find the “motivational buttons” of each member and do the best to offer what they need in order to be happy/challenged/curious/interested etc.


Managers need to know as best as possible their subordinates, not only in terms of skills, but most of all in terms of personality, personal traits. 

Personal touch in coordinating people creates the context to have access to sensitive information – i.e. “A’s productivity is lower because her father is sick” – and give them some time off from the company or at least accept they will have a lower productivity level for a while. 

The Human Touch is the fingerprint of Ezugi’s management. 

Connections are part of our culture and many of our team members are friends, spending time together outside work, too.  

Pushing the “motivational buttons” is also part of our approach – we want to know about people’s hobbies, interests, future plans – and we try to offer  that challenge, that task, that position  that would make X or Y happy. 

Respecting and acknowledging the challenges coming from people’s personal life is something we really pay attention to. We do know we work with people, not robots or resources, and many times personal and professional life interfere. We all work together in balancing them and make sure all needs are covered. 

Being authentic is something important for everyone so we promoted a culture of “being yourself as long as you don’t hurt other people’s feelings”. This facilitated a general relaxed working environment where people behave as they feel, but also a culture of empathy where we make sure we take care of each other’s feelings and well being. 

We are an IT company, so technology is highly important for all our colleagues, it generates excitement, curiosity. So we offer state of the art technology and challenges - suitable for each one of them, depending on interests. 

Human touch is the essence of effective management. Managers are people – the only way they can manage their teams and guide them towards success is by touching their hearts and minds in a gentle, personal way. 

See you soon humans 😉

Ezugi’s team 

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